FreeWire Bulletin

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Community Announcements

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Current Weather Conditions

SIOUX CITY Current Conditions
NWS KOAX Radar Loop

Community Announcements

The City of Lawton will be flushing pipes on November 20th at around 10 AM. Water may be discolored during this time, but you will not have to boil water to drink it.

Lost Pets

There are no lost pets at this time.

If you have a lost pet, contact us at Send us a picture and a description of your pet, and you'll see them here.

Steve's Metal Works is hiring!

We're a friendly company with friendly people.

We have great pay with a great healthcare package!

We make signs, monuments, tables, just about everything made of metal!

Experienced with welding? Need experience? Contact us at (712) 515-0140!

Granny's Stitches

We have everything to cover your sewing needs!

We have fabric, thread, patterns, needles, and every other sewing supply you'd need!

New to sewing? Sign up for our sewing lessons!

Is your machine not working? Bring it to us for service, or get a new one!

Call us at (712) 555-0133 or go to!

It's time to get away!

Want to travel, but afraid of paying too much at the airport?

Call us at GetAway, the leading flight discount service!

We'll make sure you're getting the best price for the best flights!

We'll also give you the best cross-country train ticket prices, too!

Call 1-800-555-0222 to Get Away!

Chet's Cars

Want to get a new car, but you can't pay the new car price?

Call Chet at (712) 555-0115 to get a great deal on great condition cars!

Looking to get rid of your current car? Trade it in or get some money!

We'll get you on the road in no time with our easy financing system.

Have bad credit? No worries!

Get your new car from Chet's Cars!